Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Team Cohesion - 1509 Words

Running head: TEAM CONFLICT AND COHESION Team Conflict and Cohesion Mak Turno University of Phoenix July 9, 2007 Team Conflict and Cohesion The dynamics of a team relies heavily on the interaction of team members during times of conflict not just during times of agreement. Often groups seek to achieve a cohesive relationship in an effort to unite the team towards its goals. Group members can make the mistake of subverting conflict in an attempt to maintain this team unity. Conflict serves a valuable role in effective group interactions that must be understood by participants of a team. An examination into the characteristics of conflict and cohesion and the relationship between the two dynamics can provide perspective to†¦show more content†¦Teams without conflict tend to be less innovative due to the creative function of conflict. Conflict’s creative function comes from the necessity of varying perspectives to reach a consensus. Indeed, â€Å"teams tend to make higher quality decisions when dissent exists about the wisest course of action† (Sidle, Ï .75). Dissent and conflict forces team members to think outside of the normal realm of experience and knowledge to realize a collaborative solution. Resolution Systems In order to reach a collaborative solution, a team must work to resolve conflict in a productive manner. Avoidance is one resolution strategy many teams use. Avoidance is not a valid resolution strategy in most instances though. Avoidance sweeps conflict aside in order for the team to pursue more productive avenues. â€Å"If the conflict is not central to the work of the team, it may be best to set it aside so that the important work of the team can proceed† (Porter, Ï .3). Only under these circumstances should avoidance be used. Another technique, compromise, is similar to avoidance. Compromise is when â€Å"each person gives up something for the sake of agreement† (Porter, Ï .4). 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